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How To Create Financial Freedom From ONE Deal

Comprehensive tried and tested 7 step system following the ALCHEMY model 

BONUS #1: Your First Auction Deal ​

BONUS #2: Serviced Accommodation Bootcamp 

BONUS #3: Limited Company Essentials 

BONUS #4: Black Book, Leases and JV Templates 

Includes 28 Day Risk-Free Guarantee

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Commercial Portfolio Builder Online£1495

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  • 1xCommercial Portfolio Builder Online£1495

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See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

Sarah & George

 ​​ "We are Buy-To-Let Landlords and are so glad we did the Commercial Portfolio Builder as everything is topsy-turvy compared to residential. We're in the process of purchasing a commercial property that will bring in a 10% a year hands free yield."

Tsen & Chris

 ​​ "Bought a 5 bedroom bed and breakfast for £185k. We got the deposit from a "joint venture" partner and used a bridging loan. Re-financed within 12 months to be able to take money out from the property. We’re cash flowing the business really efficiently with £73k turnover and £3k a month net profit. Now looking for retail units with accommodation above."

Manish ​​

 "Using what I learnt from Paul I saved £400,000 from capital allowances. I strongly recommend the course for new and experienced commercial investors as there are so many ways to save money from a tax perspective."

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